Dog Walking Contract Template

PandaDoc tokens make contract creation faster than ever. If you use a CRM, you can integrate it with your PandaDoc account to automate token filling when you create new contracts. For now, get started with this template by filling in the tokens using the menu to the right.

The individuals listed below are considered to be the parties entering into this dog walking contract as of contract date.


[Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] 
[Sender.Street] [Sender.Email]
[Sender.City] , [Sender.State] , [Sender.Zip] [Sender.Phone]
City, State, ZipPhone


[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] 
[Client.Street] [Client.Email]
[Client.City] , [Client.State] , [Client.Zip] [Client.Phone]
City, State, ZipPhone

Contract Terms

WHEREAS [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] wishes to engage [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] , and [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] agrees to provide services pursuant to the full terms and conditions of this dog walking contract.


​ [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] shall retain [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] as an independent contractor. No employer/employee relationship is implied or established with this contract. [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] is solely responsible for procuring necessary insurance and complying with any applicable regulations.​

[Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] agrees to carry out dog walking services in a professional, reliable manner, taking care to treat the pets listed with respect and care at all times.​

[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] agrees to provide any information necessary for the proper care of pets listed.

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] shall ensure that any feces are picked up and properly disposed of while carrying out dog walking duties.​

[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] recognizes the [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] ‘s right to walk pets for other clients in addition to the [Client.FirstName] ‘s pet. The Walker agrees to limit the number of pets walked at once to 3 pets per individual.​

[Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] shall be responsible for providing collars, leashes, and muzzles for the pets listed as needed.​

[Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] shall not be liable for duties not explicitly listed in this dog walking contract.

Contract Duration

This dog walking contract shall commence as of contract date and automatically cease as of contract end date. The contract may be cancelled at any time by the [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] with written notice, and may be extended with a written extension signed by the [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] and [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] .

Contract Cancellation

​ [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] may cancel this contract with written notice via certified mail or email. [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] agrees to provide a minimum of 24 hours’ notice of cancellation prior to scheduled dog walking services. If [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] cancels services inside 24 hours prior to scheduled dog walking services, [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] agrees to pay 50% of the scheduled fee for those services to the Walker.​

[Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] may cancel this contract in the same manner as [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] . If [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] cancels service inside the 24 hour window prior to a scheduled dog walking service, [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] shall forfeit the entire fee for that service.


​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] will maintain liability insurance at all times. Proof of such insurance shall be available for inspection by [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] at all times. ​

[Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] shall not be held liable for damage or loss of [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] ‘s property if the Property is left unlocked by [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] .

​ [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] shall be fully liable for any damages, loss, or injury caused by the pets listed in this dog walking contract.


​ [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] and [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless from any and all claims or liabilities arising from their party’s willful or negligent actions.


In the event of an emergency, [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] agrees to notify [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] at the phone number listed on this dog walking contract as soon as reasonably possible. If [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] cannot be reached, [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] is authorized to take any action necessary to protect themselves, the pets listed in this contract, and other individuals, including requesting or arranging medical or veterinary treatment.

These terms are designed to be applicable in most scenarios. Before you use this template, you may want to have an attorney review it to ensure the terms adequately address your local laws.

Listed Pets

Pet NamePet Description

Only the top row of this table is required. If your client only needs you to walk one pet, they can skip the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lines.

Dog Walking Service Fees


Be sure to add your prices to this table. You can change the descriptions, add or delete lines, and add taxes or discounts as needed by clicking inside the table or using the menu to the right.

The table above details the dog walking fees based on the hours services are performed. [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] agrees to pay these fees via credit or debit card within 24 hours of services being rendered.


PandaDoc makes it easy for your dog walking customers to sign contracts from their computers or mobile devices. Once you’re ready to have this template signed, just hit “send” using the menu to the right!

Both parties agree to the terms of this dog walking contract by signing below.