Registration Procedures

The Office of the Registrar is the principal source of information about registration procedures. Registration entry is based upon completed course credits. The procedure for adding and dropping courses is available from the Registrar; the faculty has established the following policies concerning changes in registration:

  1. It is the student’s responsibility to pre-register for at least 3.000 course credits, and to maintain the normal course load each semester – see Degree Requirements. Failure to do so can result in:
  2. A student is officially registered only after the student’s name appears on class lists.
  3. After the semester begins, a student may add course credits before the end of the second week of the semester, and only with the permission of the faculty member teaching the course and the approval of the faculty adviser.
  4. With the approval of the faculty adviser and the instructor, a student may drop a course before the end of the sixth week of the semester.
  5. A student must declare the S/NC grading option with the approval of the academic adviser and course instructor no later than the end of the sixth week of classes in any semester. Once the S/NC option is elected, it cannot be changed back to the letter-grade option.
  6. A student may add course credits for audit before the end of the second week of classes. A student may change registration status in a course from credit to audit before the end of the sixth week of classes. Once the audit status is declared for a particular course, it cannot be changed back to the credit option.
  7. Students are expected to be on campus when classes begin. Students who do not attend the first meeting of a class may be dropped from the class by the instructor. In this event the Registrar will drop the student from the class, notify the student, the instructor, and the academic adviser. The add/drop form is not necessary for this single transaction.
  8. To make changes in their course schedules after the stated deadlines, students must petition the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement.
  9. A student must declare a major in February of the sophomore year prior to registration for the junior year.

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor to supervise their academic program at the College of Wooster. However, it is each student’s responsibility to make final decisions about their education, the academic program and to understand and meet the graduation requirements.


1189 Beall Avenue, Wooster, Ohio 44691

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PM