Case Resources

Can You Really Learn Finance With Cases? Ivey Professor Craig Dunbar discusses teaching finance using cases.

Student Learning

The Student Guide to the Case Method (9B18M128) introduces students to the case method and, in discrete notes, walks them through the tasks that are typically involved in case assignments.

A 7-part Case Guide Series for student learning:

Integrated Texts

This set of three integrated texts on the case method is written for those interested in participative learning. Written by Ivey emeritus professors James A. Erskine and Michiel R. Leenders, along with Louise A. Mauffette-Leenders, the texts are available in simplified Chinese translations published by the Beijing Normal University Publishing Group.

Teaching With Cases
Designed to help teachers create a positive learning environment, sharpen their preparation for class and manage case class discussions. Coverage includes preparation for class using the case teaching plan, classroom management, evaluating student performance and case use variations.

Learning with Cases
Written to help students prepare, discuss more effectively in small and large groups, and to learn better and faster in the case method. It provides students with a number of tools to analyze case studies, including the case difficulty cube, the three stage learning process, the short and long cycle case preparation process and the case preparation chart.