Managerial Economics in a Global Economy

Reflecting the highly globalized nature of tastes, production, labor markets, and financial markets in today's world, Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, Eighth Edition, presents the theory of the firm as a unifying theme to examine the managerial decision-making process. Adopting a global perspective, it synthesizes economic theory, decision science, and business administration studies, examining how they interact as a firm strives to reach optimal profitability and efficiency in the face of modern constraints.

* Integrates examples, data, and theories on the international ramifications of managerial decisions into the entire text, rather than segregating the material in a separate chapter
* Incorporates 127 case studies, showing how firms actually reach managerial decisions today
* Offers instructors maximum flexibility with a modular structure that is suitable for both full-term and briefer courses, and can be used with or without calculus
* Includes a robust instructor ancillary package for adopters

Об авторе (2014)

Dominick Salvatore is Distinguished Professor of Economics and Business at Fordham University in New York and Director of the Global Economic Institute. He is Honorary Professor at Shanghai Finance University, Hunan University, University of Pretoria, and LUM (Free University of the Mediterranean). Consultant to the Economic Policy Institute, several central banks, multinational corporations, and global banks, Dr. Salvatore is the author of more than fifty books and many articles in economic and business journals.

Библиографические данные

Название Managerial Economics in a Global Economy
Автор Dominick Salvatore
Издание: 8, иллюстрированное
Издатель Oxford University Press, 2014
ISBN 0199397120, 9780199397129
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 756
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan